
Flexible contents

The Film Commission is involved in sustainable development and the circular economy. We encourage productions to work in this way and have already implemented several practical measures:

  • Raising awareness among producers and film crews and networking with innovative companies (RotorMCB…) that develop their business, recycle, build from sustainable and reusable materials.

  • A partnership with the regional agency Bruxelles-Propreté. This allows for the provision and free collection of bin bags, using a form to be completed by the production team, as well as the loan of a badge for unlimited access to Brussels waste disposal centres (with a €150 cash deposit).
  • Distribution of environmentally-friendly flasks to crews in order to reduce the use of disposable water bottles.
  • Supporting a pilot project for sustainable filming through the use of an eco-consultant who is an expert in sustainability related to the cultural sector.
  • Situational analysis of the sector's existing actions in Europe and application of measures that can be transposed to us: partnership with the VAF (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds/ The Flanders Audiovisual Fund) and Trentino Film Commission
  • Creation of a brochure on
    PDF iconEnvironmentally Friendly Filming in the Brussels-Capital Region
  • PDF iconcalcul_carbone_english_.xlsx
    The carbon calculator is a tool that we invite productions to use; it helps measure the most significant CO2 impacts of shooting a film: travel and lodging, the energy consumption of transporting materials, as well as waste and catering. It also helps us chart the CO2 emissions of Brussels’ film production.
  • The 7 subjects on which to act to make your film shooting more eco-responsible:

1. Transport organisation
2. Selection of materials (set design and costumes)
3. Energy
4. Accommodation
5. Logistics and canteen
6. Waste management
7. Communication