Calls for projects

#DEVELOPMENT #COPRODUCTION- Les Arcs Industry village

The Coproduction Village of Les Arcs Film Festival will gather a selection of 18 European projects in development seeking coproducers and sales agents. The producers with selected projects will benefit from one-to-one meetings, conferences & unique networking events. For the first time this year, Les Arcs Industry Village is proud to welcome the Eurimages Co-Production Development Award, a €20.000 cash award that will be granted to one of the selected projects to support their development. The selected projects will also compete for the ArteKino International Award, of €6.000.

Submission deadline

#PROD - EAVE Production Workshop 2025

EAVE is aimed at producers (fiction, documentary and TV series), who are already working in the film and television industries who wish to expand their operation internationally by increasing their knowledge of producing and co-producing in Europe and by building up a pan European professional network. We also welcome applications from associated branches of the industry – e.g. commissioning, funding, legal and finance, festivals & markets, media administration. Each year 56 participants are selected from most of the EU countries and beyond and take part in three one-week long workshops.

Submission deadline

#FILMS - #Cinemamed 2024

The 24th edition of Cinemamed (Brussels) will take place from November 28 to December 06, 2024 at the Cinema Palace, Cinema Aventure and other venues in Brussels and Wallonia. Films submitted must be produced in 2023 or 2024, either by a Mediterranean country, or whose director is from one of the countries of the Mediterranean basin, and whose subject matter is specific to Mediterranean countries. 

Submission deadline

#XR - Geneva Digital Market #Developmenet

At the Geneva Digital Market, whether you have a Swiss digital project (SWISS INTERACTIVE SESSIONS) or a European immersive project (XR COPRODUCTION SESSIONS), you can come and present your experience in development or production, and meet financing and distribution opportunities.

Submission deadline

#ANIMATION - Anima 2025

Anima, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival, takes place from February 28 to March 9, 2025, and celebrates its 44th edition. Submit your films now - we look forward to seeing them! 

Qualifying for the Oscar® for best animated short, our prize list rewards a wide range of animated films. Anima considers all films completed after June 2023 and belonging to the following categories as eligible for the competition:

Feature films
Feature films for young audiences
International professional shorts
International school or graduation films
International short films for young audiences
National short films

Translated with (free version)

Submission deadline