
The most frequently asked questions about the audiovisual industry in Brussels, financing, filming and business support.

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Several sessions are organised each year; the dates for these can be found on the website. An application can only be submitted for one session. Applications must be submitted electronically on the submission date by 5 p.m. at the latest. Further information on the contents of the application form, its annexes and the procedure itself is available here.

To be on the safe side, we strongly advise that you confirm the final submission of your file before 4:30 p.m.

We strongly advise that you meet the screen.brussels team BEFORE you start an application. Presentation meetings (by video call or face-to-face) are held up to one week before the project submission deadline, so that the screen.brussels team has the best possible overview of the project and can identify any inaccuracies in advance. No meetings with production companies are held in the week leading up to the deadline. It is also essential to have read the rules before requesting an interview, and to check that the project meets the cultural and financial criteria (minimum expenditure and percentage of funding acquired).

Eligible expenditures are expenses intended to remunerate individuals or companies in the film and audiovisual industry. To be considered eligible, they must fulfil two criteria: meet the eligible type of services and be billed from the Brussels-Capital Region.

Type of service:

The services must be provided to individuals or companies whose main activity is related to the film and audiovisual industry. For example, the services of a cameraman, a director, an electrician, an editor or the hire of technical equipment or machinery are considered eligible. However, invoices for the hire of a transport vehicle from a rental agency, overnight stays in a hotel or renting a flat from a private individual to be used as a film set are not eligible. 


Eligible expenditures may only be incurred by persons or companies established in the Brussels-Capital Region. Companies must have a head office AND operating headquarters in the Brussels-Capital Region. To be eligible, the persons must either be under contract with an eligible company (for at least 2 months for fixed-term contracts) or have an official address in the region for self-employed services. For example, the services of a person residing outside the Region but invoicing via a payroll office located in Brussels are not considered eligible.

As a reminder, the Brussels-Capital Region is made up of 19 municipalities. Individuals and companies established in the 6 municipalities with facilities in the Brussels surrounding area, such as Drogenbos, Kraainem, Linkebeek, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Wemmel and Wezembeek-Oppem, are located in the Flemish Region and are therefore not eligible.

A non-exhaustive list of eligible expenditures and additional information is available in point 7 of our rules.

To check the eligibility of a person or company, you can refer to the directory on the www.screen.brussels website; eligible listings will include the ‘eligible’ tag.

Before submitting your application, you must ensure that the project will involve a minimum amount of eligible expenditure incurred in the Brussels-Capital Region (excluding VAT and contingencies). The amount varies according to the project type:

  • For feature-length films and series of more than 10 minutes per episode: €250,000 
  • For documentaries and special formats (XR, video games, etc.): €75,000 
  • For series formats of less than 10 minutes per episode: €45,000 
  • For audio formats (podcasts, audiobooks, etc.): €30,000

Before submitting your application, it is important to check that you can provide proof (in writing and in figures) of a minimum amount of confirmed funding, depending on the type of project.

For feature-length films, television series (over 10 minutes per episode) and documentaries, 50% of the total funding must have been finalised.

For other formats – television series of less than 10 minutes per episode and special formats (XR, audio content, video games, etc.) – 60% of the funding must have been finalised.

The funding application form asks for details of eligible expenditure and non-eligible expenditure in Brussels. Non-eligible Brussels expenditure is expenditure that is not audiovisual-related but is nevertheless incurred in the Brussels-Capital Region:  hotel nights, restaurant costs, transport, renting an apartment/house from private individuals, financial expenses, insurance, etc. Although these expenses do not have a direct structural impact on the Brussels film and audiovisual industry, they nevertheless contribute to the Region's economic vitality. This is why we take these expenses into account when assessing the project: if two projects have incurred similar eligible expenses, the project that also has significant non-eligible Brussels expenditure will be favoured.

The expenditure eligibility period begins on the day your application is submitted via our electronic platform. If, for example, you submit your application on 25 April for the May session, for which the deadline is 31 May (results published at the beginning of July), the expenditure eligibility period starts on 25 April.    

The only notable exception is that all expenditure relating to the script and writer(s) is eligible retrospectively.

The funds must be used within 24 months of the approval date.

Yes, it is entirely possible to combine funding from different funds, both cultural and economic. However, if the investment granted by screen.brussels is combined for the same expenditure with other State aid mentioned in Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the cumulative amount of aid granted cannot exceed the maximum aid threshold imposed by the GBER.

When applying for assistance, the producer must therefore inform the Fund of any aid already received or applied for in Belgium or another Member State and, if necessary, adjust their application to the Fund accordingly.

“Investment intensity” refers to the amount of aid expressed as a percentage of the audiovisual work expenditure taken into consideration for the aid.

More info here.

No, this is not compulsory, but it is potentially an added advantage for the application, as the number of days of filming or production in Brussels is one of the sub-criteria assessed for the project selection, as is the impact on the Brussels-Capital Region in terms of territorial marketing. Furthermore, filming in Brussels will probably have a positive influence on the amount of non-eligible Brussels expenditure.

As a positive incentive to encourage the audiovisual industry to adopt an approach that respects the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 2 bonus points may be awarded:

1 point if the production company can attest to the presence and work of an environmental consultant supporting the project;

1 point if the production company has been awarded the Ecodynamic label by the Brussels-Capital Region or an equivalent label for those located in Wallonia or Flanders.

No. Due to the number of applications we receive, there is no session to defend the project once it has been submitted. However, production companies are encouraged to present it in advance (and no later than one week before the deadline) to the co-production manager and/or the fund director before submitting it.

The dates of the sessions and the dates that the results will be announced are published on the website at the end of the previous year, with the latter dates being subject to change. Click here for more information.

Once you have been notified of the Board's decision, you have 3 months to sign the agreement with screen.brussels. For the last session of the year, however, the agreements must be signed before 24 December (2.5 months). 

A pedestrian zone is a set of streets reserved for pedestrians (unless otherwise indicated). In certain cases, it is possible to obtain temporary or permanent access (building sites, moving house, special deliveries, access to a private garage, etc.)

The following rules apply in a pedestrian zone:

  • parking is prohibited
  • loading and unloading of people and goods (deliveries) can only take place between 4 a.m. and 11 a.m. (including taxis)
  • cyclists are allowed if signposted
  • taxis are authorised
  • any person authorised to drive in such a zone must do so at walking pace and give way to pedestrians. They must also stop whenever necessary. Motorists must not endanger or obstruct pedestrians.

You can obtain authorisation by clearly indicating this in your application. Don't forget to include the registration plates of any vehicles entering this zone. Once your application has been analysed and submitted to the relevant authorities, the Film Commission will provide you with the necessary information on the procedure to follow. 

It is a public service that oversees the management of buildings owned or rented by the State. In Brussels, several sites are managed by the Régie des Bâtiments, including the Esplanade du Cinquantenaire and the Mont des Arts. Permits for the buildings in question is obtained via the Film Commission. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


There are a number of tools available to help you make your request and ensure that it is logistically feasible:

  • Mobigis is a mobile GIS (Geographic Information System) application that allows you to collect geographical data such as municipal boundaries, car parks, driving directions and public transport routes.
  • Datastore | Map offers a wealth of geographical data ranging from maps to statistics and other relevant information on the Brussels-Capital Region. You can also consult information such as municipal boundaries.
  • Parking Brussels: You can look up all the parking spaces available in the Brussels-Capital Region here.
  • Osiris: find out about current or upcoming construction or public works projects. 


However, we always advise you to visit the site itself to get a clear idea of where you are and what you need to ask for.

No. To welcome your production to the Brussels-Capital Region, the Film Commission supports the teams involved in filming (location scouting, directing, etc.) and we work with the local authorities to help obtain your filming permits. For more information on grants and conditions, please contact the fund.

Ixelles no longer authorises the use of generators for filming. As an alternative, you may request a temporary power connection from Sibelga. The applicant may submit an official request to Sibelga for the installation and opening of a temporary electricity meter: +32 2 274 36 40 - foires-festivites@sibelga.be

For further information: Meter for markets and festivities - Temporary connection - Electricity - All types of request - Sibelga

In your request, indicate the desired power for your temporary connection. You will then receive a quote for the installation and removal of the temporary supply, as well as an estimate for the electricity consumption.

Please note: this power connection must also be mentioned in your application to the Film Commission. 

The Film Commission has a database of over 700 filming locations. If you would like more information about a particular location, please contact us. If you have the budget, you might consider hiring a professional location scout. These can also be found in our database.

To support environmentally-friendly film-making, the Film Commission provides free water bottles and bin bags. You can request them by emailing tournage@visit.brussels and include your project, the number of water bottles and the number of bin bags you would like (1 roll = 15 bags). 

Please note: the number of water bottles available will depend on the type of project and the number of days spent in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Environmentally-friendly filming is an important step towards reducing the film industry's impact on the environment. We therefore encourage you to work in a sustainable way. You can find the measures taken by the Film Commission on our web page Eco-tournage | screen.brussels, as well as all advice and tips you’ll need for your film shoot.

Here are a few more quick tips on how to make film shoots as eco-friendly as possible:

  1. Sustainable filming locations: When selecting filming locations, choose places that already exist and that do not require major infrastructure development. Use existing buildings and natural environments instead of building sets.
  2. Green energy: where possible, use renewable energy sources on set, such as solar or wind power. Use LED lighting rather than traditional bulbs, as they are more energy-efficient.
  3. Waste reduction: reduce waste by implementing recycling programmes on set and using reusable materials for sets and props. Did you know that the Film Commission provides free bin bags in collaboration with Bruxelles Propreté?
  4. Environmentally-friendly methods of transport: Encourage the cast and crew to car-share or use electric or hybrid vehicles. Also try to plan logistics to minimise travel and make it more efficient.
  5. Paperless options: Use paperless scripts and communications to reduce paper consumption. Use reusable whiteboards or blackboards rather than disposable paper.
  6. Responsible catering: choose locally-produced food and organic products. Avoid using disposable crockery and plastic bottles, and encourage the use of reusable containers and water bottles. Did you know that the Film Commission provides free water bottles? You can request them from tournage@visit.brussels, mentioning your project in your message.
  7. Conscious water use: Limit water consumption wherever possible. Encourage minimising the use of water on set.
  8. Conscious use of equipment: switch off equipment when not in use and set cameras and other electronic devices to energy-saving settings.
  9. Green production companies: Work with production companies that are committed to environmentally-friendly and sustainable practices.
  10. Awareness-raising and education: ensure that the cast and crew are aware of the environmental measures taken and encourage them to contribute to sustainable practices.

By following these steps, you as a film-maker can make a positive contribution to the environment and inspire others to implement more environmentally-friendly practices in the film industry.

If you are a student, the same rules apply as for a normal application. In some municipalities, exemptions are granted for certain costs, such as filming costs and/or parking charges. To benefit from this exemption, you must:

  • clearly state in your application that it is a student project
  • provide proof of enrolment at your school 
  • be able to provide proof of insurance in all cases.

If you would like to know which local authority exempts you from certain charges, please contact us.

To obtain permission to film with a drone, you need to follow two steps:

1. Obtain authorisation from the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (SPF Mobilité) via: MAS (fgov.be)

2. Obtain authorisation from the municipality’s local authority. You can obtain this authorisation by completing the request form and sending it to tournage@visit.brussels.


Your application must include:

  • Insurance certificate
  • Site plan clearly showing where the drone will take off, the flight path and where it will land.

Street lighting plays an important role in the safety and comfort of road users and pedestrians. As a result, switching off street lighting can be dangerous and is often not permitted without permission from the relevant authority. It is therefore important, when street lighting needs to be switched off, to always mention this in your request so that the relevant police district can give its opinion on the matter. This authorisation from the police is required before you can request the switch-off from Sibelga. If the street lighting is on a regional road, you should also contact Bruxelles Mobilité. All contact details can be obtained from the Film Commission at tournage@visit.brussels.

You can request a blockade using the usual request form. Keep the following points in mind:

  1. Identify the reason for the blockade: state clearly why this request is necessary and what type of blockade you want (temporary or permanent). Clearly state how long you want the blockade in place for.
  2. Please ensure that you provide all the information required for the procedure to run smoothly. Provide additional information: site plan, traffic plan, diversion route, etc.
  3. Check whether other organisations are affected (e.g. public transport). If they are likely to be inconvenienced as a result of your film shoot, additional authorisation from these bodies is required.
  4. Inform local residents of the activities that will be taking place.

If your application is approved, please ensure that you comply with all local authority regulations and guidelines during the blockade period. This may involve, for example, putting road signs in place, lifting the blockade at a certain time, etc.

If a filming location spans across more than one municipality, you can use this map to identify the municipalities affected. If you will be affected by more than one municipality, you must submit a separate application to the Film Commission for each municipality. In practical terms, this means that we must receive multiple forms for the same filming location.

For example: Rue Cornet de Grez comes under the jurisdiction of both the municipality of Schaerbeek and the municipality of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode. You must therefore complete the application form twice: One form for the part of the street in Schaerbeek and another for the area in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode.

The use of police uniforms, police cars and weapons in filming can be tricky, as it can be perceived as an imitation of real law enforcement officers and can confuse the public. To ensure that you can use these items legally and safely, there are a number of steps to take:

  1. Mention the use of weapons, uniforms and/or police cars in your request so that the police division concerned can give its opinion and authorisation for their use in this respect.
  2. If the police agree, you can hire uniforms, cars or weapons from a private hire company.


Following this:

  1. Inform the public: when filming in public places, make sure that passers-by know that you are filming and that the police equipment used is not real.
  2. Safety first: when using weapons, even dummy weapons, safety must always be the top priority. Follow the instructions of the weapons advisor and make sure that no unintentional danger arises during filming.

Remember that it is essential to comply with all relevant laws and regulations to avoid unwanted legal complications. It is essential to consult professionals and obtain authorisation from the relevant authorities to ensure that the film project is a success and is carried out in complete safety.

An application may be cancelled up to 5 working days before the day of filming.

Please note:

  • If your planned parking ban is already in force, you will still have to pay for these reserved spaces.
  • This rule is not applied by all municipalities. More information for each municipality is available here.

Both departments manage parks, playgrounds and cemeteries.

The Green Spaces Department manages the parks, playgrounds and cemeteries located within the City of Brussels. A list of these locations is available here. Authorisation for these parks is obtained through the Film Commission.

Brussels Environment is a regional public service. This department manages the parks and playgrounds under the responsibility of the Brussels-Capital Region. A list of these locations, along with more information, are available here. Authorisation for these parks is obtained through an online application via:  Organising an event in a green space | Citoyen - Brussels Environment

Please note: In addition to applying for permission from these departments, authorisation from the local authority and the police is always required.

This is an amount determined by the relevant municipality. The determining factors are the type of project and the duration. The taxes do not apply to all municipalities. An overview is available here.

If your film shoot will have an impact on the public transport network (STIB/De Lijn/SNCB), a request must also be made to the relevant authorities. If your film shoot will have a direct impact on the normal operation of public transport, consider proposing alternative routes or organising diversions to minimise disruption. A few tips: 

  • Schedule your film shoots at less busy times or offer compensation in the event of disruption.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of the actors, crew and public, particularly if filming takes place near public transport infrastructure.

To complete your application, you must send us the following compulsory attachments:

  • Presentation pack, synopsis and/or letter of intent
  • Copy of your third-party liability or professional indemnity insurance certificate
  • Site plans and/or photos of the premises
  • Draft bilingual information leaflet for local residents (available here)
  • Waiver letter if photography takes place in the municipality of Saint-Gilles (available here)

Bruxelles Mobilité is a regional public service that manages roads and tunnels in the region. If your request concerns a regional road, an online application must be submitted via the following link: Regional road occupancy request | Bruxelles Mobilité (mobilite-mobiliteit.brussels)

Please note: you must always attach your Film Commission application form to this online application. You can download it before submitting your application. A list of all regional roads is available here.

The take-off and landing site is considered an occupation of the public highway. To do this, you need to obtain authorisation from the relevant local authority. Furthermore, the Brussels-Capital Region is occupied by numerous official institutions such as the EU institutions, parliaments, royal palaces, prisons, etc. As there are regular activities linked to these institutions, it is important to guarantee their safety. This is why we always seek guidance from the police, who have an overview of these activities. It is therefore very important that the police also grant authorisation.

The public agency Bruxelles Économie et Emploi aims to develop the economy and support sustainable employment. It offers a range of grants for every stage of a company's life, from conception to maturity.  These may go towards consultancy costs, training, investment in equipment or property, or export and internationalisation. It also funds calls for thematic projects.

For innovative companies, Innoviris programmes support research and development, social innovation, partnerships with the academic world and the promotion of STEM and new technologies.

The play.brussels cluster is essentially a dynamic network of Brussels companies ready to share and exchange ideas in order to grow together. To become a member, companies must apply using the form on the play.brussels website and agree to actively participate in the cluster. If the application meets the membership criteria and is accepted, the member company will benefit from the cluster’s services and advantages from actions organised by hub.brussels.The play.brussels cluster is essentially a dynamic network of Brussels companies ready to share and exchange ideas in order to grow together. To become a member, companies must apply using the form on the play.brussels website and agree to actively participate in the cluster. If the application meets the membership criteria and is accepted, the member company will benefit from the cluster’s services and advantages from actions organised by hub.brussels.

The hub.brussels agency offers a wide range of services to support companies going international. The play.brussels cluster facilitates access to certain international markets, often in collaboration with the Export team, which coordinates dozens of trade shows, fairs and trade missions. Its experts can also guide companies who wish to export their products or services and benefit from the support of advisers based in some fifty major cities around the world. Furthermore, the Enterprise Europe Network helps to find foreign partners to support international development, while the National Contact Point helps to find European funding for businesses.

The public interest company finance&invest.brussels completes the chain of funding for value-creating businesses in the Brussels-Capital Region by providing tangible solutions in the form of loans, equity investments or guarantees. While aiming for market profitability, it also boosts the region's economy by taking economic transition objectives into account, and is aimed at start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs along with microbusinesses, social enterprises and cooperative enterprises.

This cluster supports its member companies. With the support of experts from other hub.brussels departments, its team provides guidance and advice on all business-related issues, such as business models, legal status and governance, financial planning, internationalisation, and environmental or digital transition. The cluster can also help companies with certain procedures, such as refining their search for funding from regional bodies like finance&invest.brussels and innoviris.brussels, or the ST’ART investment fund. The cluster also organises knowledge-sharing and networking events, and participates in a professional capacity at several Brussels festivals.

The business support agency hub.brussels offers various services to Brussels-based companies active in the audiovisual sector. hub.brussels has a global network of experts, as well as advisers and experts based in Brussels. For entrepreneurs just starting out, the hub.info portal offers advice and information on all economic issues, backed up by a network of partners specialising in business support. 

Companies and professionals who want to grow their business in Brussels can also benefit from the support and expertise of the play.brussels cluster, a key contact that helps Brussels-based audiovisual companies with their economic development and internationalisation.

We have dedicated a section of our website to calls for projects. You can view it here. The list of calls for projects is not intended to be exhaustive and may differ depending on the language in which you are browsing. So be sure to check this page regularly, and in the different languages (FR/NL/EN) for locale-specific calls for projects. 

In theory, no. The directory is reserved for professionals who reside and bill for their services within the Brussels-Capital Region.

The only exceptions are:

  • Managing directors who own an eligible company located in Brussels (or who are in an open-ended contract with the company). In this case, the address of the company must be given at the time of registration;
  • Anyone wishing to submit an application for funding must meet the following criteria:
    • Work for or manage a commercial production company that is likely to submit an application;
    • Only indicate the production activity in the activity fields (and not the other services provided).

The directory is reserved for professionals residing and billing in the Brussels-Capital Region. It will be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for activation notifications.