Conditions of use of the professional database

Flexible contents


In creating databases for professionals, hopes to provide a reference tool for the Brussels audiovisual industry. This tool is intended to help move the industry forward by giving people access to relevant information and by helping all stakeholders search for partners. The objective is therefore to help provide structure to the industry and promote its activities nationally and internationally. As well, this will help facilitate access to the different services offered by using a dedicated IT platform.

This database is exclusively reserved for professionals - both individuals and companies - based in the Brussels-Capital region, i.e. those whose registered office, operations office and/or mailing address (for individuals) is located within the Brussels-Capital region.

The presence of professionals in the database shall under no circumstances be considered a guarantee of the service provider’s eligibility with the different entities of, nor of the services proposed. To make use of the database, companies and individuals in the audiovisual industry must satisfy a series of precise criteria specific to each of these services. To learn more, please read the complete rules and regulations of the fund, which is available here.

The conditions of access to the services proposed by the cluster, film commission and business should be read on their respective pages. 

2. Publication criteria and procedure

All people and service companies based in the Brussels-Capital region, all Belgian production companies, as well as all individuals and companies conducting any activity related to the audiovisual industry may be included in the database. Registration is done exclusively on the website. 


To guarantee the quality of the database, is the sole judge of the relevance of the data it contains. To this end, validates and checks each profile.Once the information is validated, each user can edit the information in their profile, as well as information in the profiles of any companies they have founded or manage. They then become the sole person responsible for updating the information and ensuring its accuracy. It is therefore unavoidable that data changes may not be corrected immediately or that data errors might exist in the database, despite the checks made by

3. Confidentiality

In the database for companies, the following information will be posted:

  • Name, status and business identification number
  • Contact details (address, telephone, e-mail, website, social media, etc.)
  • Professional activity (show reel, references, links)
  • Films linking the person or company to
  • Any other comments the company would like to include

In the database for individuals, the following information will be posted:

  • Name, position and VAT number, if applicable
  • Contact details (address, phone number, e-mail, website, social media, etc.)
  • Professional activity (showreel, references, links)
  • Films linking the person or company to
  • Any other comment the person would like to include. hereby commits to processing these data in compliance with the Act of 8 December 1992 concerning the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data, as well as the Royal Decree of 13 February 2001 implementing this act. also reserves the right to block and/or delete any profile, to shorten any comment and not to publish any information, in full or in part, if the content is inappropriate in accordance with worldwide norms and values.

4. Recipients of personal data

The personal data gathered and processed appear in the files of and shall under no circumstances be transferred to any third party or to any country that is not a member of the European Union.

4.1. Sharing of data with

An exception is made for the transmission of these data in order to facilitate the creation of a personal and/or company profile in the online database of the mediarte website.

mediarte is a Belgian social fund for the audiovisual and film industry. Its new platform will offer content that is specific to the created profile, such as job offers, training sessions, information about working conditions, internships and recruiting. It will also help professionals in the audiovisual, film and digital industries stay in contact with each other thanks to a social network exclusively dedicated to the audiovisual industry.As such, the data for all people and/or companies having provided their express acceptance when registering will be transmitted in secure, ad hoc batches to mediarte.

As such, mediarte will be responsible for creating a temporary, unpublished profile that the user must validate for publication. Once it has been validated, all requests for changes, claims and information about data processing must be addressed to mediarte using the procedure expressly described in the general terms and conditions for their database.

5. Data controller fund asbl, whose registered office is located at Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, represented by Noël Magis, Managing Director, shall act as data controller.

6. Contact

You can send your comments, suggestions or any other question to the webmaster using the contact form or by post to the following address: fund asbl, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

7. Proprietor of the database is the sole proprietor of the database as it is constituted, and has all the rights on its principle and content.

8. Declaration of honour

In accordance with its role as producer of the database, opposes the use, in whole or in part, of the content of its database. It is therefore forbidden to extract, use or reproduce all or part of the information contained in database without the prior written consent of