Feature film Documentary I am chance I am Chance tells the story of a group of young girls living in the streets of Kinshasa. Street life and paradoxes: they are in turn unti...
Feature film Comedy L'Employée du mois At 45 Inès does her best to be a model employee in her position as a salesperson for a cleaning product company, never getting the recogn...
Series Comedy drama Grond Any Muslim who decides to live in Belgium saddles their relatives with a delicate dilemma. Do we get buried here or in our country of ori...
Feature film Drama The Restless Leïla and Damien love each other deeply. Despite his bipolarity, he tries to continue life with her, knowing that he may never be able to...
Series Comedy drama Baraki The entire region knows the Berthet family. When people talk about them, they call them ‘gypsies’. Larissa Berthet houses her entire trib...
Feature film Teenage Animated Yuku et la Fleur d'Himalaya Yuku’s grandmother is at the brink of life. Yuku goes looking for Himalayan peony to reassure herself that she truly is the worthy heires...