Projects - Any -Pre-productionProductionPost-productionCopie 0Released Lucky Feature film Comedy To escape poverty, Willy and Tony try to steal a police dog to help them sniff out dealers’ stashes. However, things get out of hand, and... Losers Revolution Feature film Comedy Childhood friends Simon, Mehdi and Fred are invited to the funeral of one of their old classmates, Juan, who had a final wish: that the b... Typique Live Series <10min Comedy 'Typique' ('Typical') is a web series about Belgians, directed by Belgians for past, present and future students. It is the story of Max,... Le tout nouveau Testament Feature film Comedy Fantasy God exists. In fact, he lives in Brussels. In his slightly crappy flat overlooking the city, he behaves obnoxiously with his daughter Ea ... La tour 2 contrôle infernal Feature film Comedy October 1981. Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are two brilliant French army pilots. Following an unfortunate mistake during a centr... Tamara Feature film Teenage Comedy Tamara is pretty, but plump and not comfortable in her own body. She can hold her own, but generally lacks self-confidence. She lives wit... Rupture pour tous Feature film Comedy We know about marriage agencies, here is the first agency specialised in breakups. Presque Normal Series <10min Comedy 'Presque Normal' is a comedy that revolves around Dan (Dan Gagnon), a guy who puts up with his life and the anger of others and spends hi... Faut pas lui dire Feature film Comedy Laura, 37, Eve, 36, Anouch, 36, and Yaël, 29, are cousins and have something in common: They lie but only lovingly! When the first three ... Comment j'ai rencontré mon père Feature film Comedy In Enguerrand's family, a small boy of African origin, everything is done differently! His father, Eliot, is not much of an adoptive fat... Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont Feature film Comedy Seyolo, originally from Congo, graduates as a physician in France, in 1973. As he doesn't want to go back to Africa and work for a dictat... Funcorp Series <10min Comedy At the end of the 1990s, faced with the development of new technology and the emergence of the lnternet, the traditional calendar industr... La Fine Equipe Feature film Comedy Charlie, former star of Brussels table football, indebted, puts together a table football team made up of unemployed men from the local c... Euh season 2 Series <10min Comedy 'Euh' is the story of Benoît, a guy who is incapable of making decisions. Talents belges Collection Comedy Drama Five short films, five Belgian directors, newbies or established, present the Adami collection (for the Cannes Film Festival), with as a ... J'ai perdu Albert Feature film Comedy Chloe is the most famous young medium in France. She decides private matters for the world’s leaders , chooses the CEOs of big companies ... Papa ou Maman (saison 1) Series Comedy César and Isabelle Mendès have been a fiery couple for almost 20 years. It is therefore not surprising that their divorce turns into a na... Lucas etc. - Saison 1 Series Teenage Comedy 'Lucas, etc.' tells the adventures of a 12-year-old boy who meets his new stepfamily. From a situation as an only child, he finds himself... Emma Peeters Feature film Comedy An actress plans to commit suicide to finally make something of her life and meets a funeral parlor employee who proposes to help her… fo... Convoi Exceptionnel Feature film Comedy Foster meets Taupin. The first one is in an overcoat, the second one is in rags. All of this would be ordinary if one of them was not in ... Champion Series Comedy A reflection of our society, the world of football is rich and universal, the place where dreams become reality, as do nightmares. ... Lucas etc. - Saison 2 Series Teenage Comedy Lucas’ newly recomposed family moves to a big house in a new neighbourhood, which means new friends, new neighbours and new conflicts! ... La foire agricole Other Teenage Animated Comedy Cheval bought tickets to the agricultural fair. On his way to pick them up, he slips on his skateboard and falls hard on his head. ... Adorables Feature film Comedy Emma, 43, and her ex-husband Victor, 44, are the parents of an adorable 14-year-old, Lila, bringing her up to be kind and caring in accor... Raid dingue Feature film Comedy Johanna Pasquali is a policewoman like no other. Easily distracted, dreamy and awkward, she is a nice person but from a purely police poi... Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Clear filters Release date 2022 (7) 2017 (6) 2024 (6) 2016 (5) 2018 (5) 2020 (5) 2023 (5) 2025 (5) 2021 (4) 2015 (3) 2019 (3) Format Feature film (34) Series <10min (10) Series (9) Collection (1) Other (1) Genre Drama (80) Documentary (57) (-) Comedy (55) Animated (31) Thriller (25) Crime (22) Comedy drama (21) Teenage (19) Action (11) Historical (10) Horror (6) Other (6) Fantasy (5) War (4) Biopic (3) Adventure (2) Science-fiction (2) Romantic comedy (1) Project languages (-) French (55) English (6) Dutch (4) German (2) Fund sessions Bruxellimage (9) 2024 (4) 2023 (3) 2022 (7) 2021 (8) 2020 (4) 2019 (5) 2018 (3) 2017 (7) 2016 (3) Majority Majoritaire (31) Minoritaire (24)
Lucky Feature film Comedy To escape poverty, Willy and Tony try to steal a police dog to help them sniff out dealers’ stashes. However, things get out of hand, and...
Losers Revolution Feature film Comedy Childhood friends Simon, Mehdi and Fred are invited to the funeral of one of their old classmates, Juan, who had a final wish: that the b...
Typique Live Series <10min Comedy 'Typique' ('Typical') is a web series about Belgians, directed by Belgians for past, present and future students. It is the story of Max,...
Le tout nouveau Testament Feature film Comedy Fantasy God exists. In fact, he lives in Brussels. In his slightly crappy flat overlooking the city, he behaves obnoxiously with his daughter Ea ...
La tour 2 contrôle infernal Feature film Comedy October 1981. Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are two brilliant French army pilots. Following an unfortunate mistake during a centr...
Tamara Feature film Teenage Comedy Tamara is pretty, but plump and not comfortable in her own body. She can hold her own, but generally lacks self-confidence. She lives wit...
Rupture pour tous Feature film Comedy We know about marriage agencies, here is the first agency specialised in breakups.
Presque Normal Series <10min Comedy 'Presque Normal' is a comedy that revolves around Dan (Dan Gagnon), a guy who puts up with his life and the anger of others and spends hi...
Faut pas lui dire Feature film Comedy Laura, 37, Eve, 36, Anouch, 36, and Yaël, 29, are cousins and have something in common: They lie but only lovingly! When the first three ...
Comment j'ai rencontré mon père Feature film Comedy In Enguerrand's family, a small boy of African origin, everything is done differently! His father, Eliot, is not much of an adoptive fat...
Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont Feature film Comedy Seyolo, originally from Congo, graduates as a physician in France, in 1973. As he doesn't want to go back to Africa and work for a dictat...
Funcorp Series <10min Comedy At the end of the 1990s, faced with the development of new technology and the emergence of the lnternet, the traditional calendar industr...
La Fine Equipe Feature film Comedy Charlie, former star of Brussels table football, indebted, puts together a table football team made up of unemployed men from the local c...
Euh season 2 Series <10min Comedy 'Euh' is the story of Benoît, a guy who is incapable of making decisions.
Talents belges Collection Comedy Drama Five short films, five Belgian directors, newbies or established, present the Adami collection (for the Cannes Film Festival), with as a ...
J'ai perdu Albert Feature film Comedy Chloe is the most famous young medium in France. She decides private matters for the world’s leaders , chooses the CEOs of big companies ...
Papa ou Maman (saison 1) Series Comedy César and Isabelle Mendès have been a fiery couple for almost 20 years. It is therefore not surprising that their divorce turns into a na...
Lucas etc. - Saison 1 Series Teenage Comedy 'Lucas, etc.' tells the adventures of a 12-year-old boy who meets his new stepfamily. From a situation as an only child, he finds himself...
Emma Peeters Feature film Comedy An actress plans to commit suicide to finally make something of her life and meets a funeral parlor employee who proposes to help her… fo...
Convoi Exceptionnel Feature film Comedy Foster meets Taupin. The first one is in an overcoat, the second one is in rags. All of this would be ordinary if one of them was not in ...
Champion Series Comedy A reflection of our society, the world of football is rich and universal, the place where dreams become reality, as do nightmares. ...
Lucas etc. - Saison 2 Series Teenage Comedy Lucas’ newly recomposed family moves to a big house in a new neighbourhood, which means new friends, new neighbours and new conflicts! ...
La foire agricole Other Teenage Animated Comedy Cheval bought tickets to the agricultural fair. On his way to pick them up, he slips on his skateboard and falls hard on his head. ...
Adorables Feature film Comedy Emma, 43, and her ex-husband Victor, 44, are the parents of an adorable 14-year-old, Lila, bringing her up to be kind and caring in accor...
Raid dingue Feature film Comedy Johanna Pasquali is a policewoman like no other. Easily distracted, dreamy and awkward, she is a nice person but from a purely police poi...