Projects - Any -Pre-productionProductionPost-productionCopie 0Released Écoute la ville qui brusselle Audio Documentary In a series of short episodes, the ArchiBrussels Podcast will look at 20 contemporary architectural and urban planning projects in Brusse... 11.11.18 Virtual reality War Historical Deep in the trenches, an infantry regiment manages to survive. Despite the constant falling shells and the enemy flying above them, the s... Clear filters Release date 2018 (1) 2021 (1) Format Feature film (181) Series (66) Series <10min (18) Collection (3) Other (3) (-) Audio (1) (-) Virtual reality (1) Genre Documentary (1) Historical (1) War (1) Project languages English (3) Dutch (2) (-) French (2) Fund sessions 2021 (1) 2018 (1) Majority Majoritaire (2)
Écoute la ville qui brusselle Audio Documentary In a series of short episodes, the ArchiBrussels Podcast will look at 20 contemporary architectural and urban planning projects in Brusse...
11.11.18 Virtual reality War Historical Deep in the trenches, an infantry regiment manages to survive. Despite the constant falling shells and the enemy flying above them, the s...