Description Réalisatrice, director scénariste, screenwriter Les projets made in Brussels Series Documentary Mag ik (ik) zijn? Young people, admitted to psychiatric units, have their say. They share the feeling of not being able to exist in the world. MAY I BE (ME... Références (liens) Binti Boos Références (fichiers) 2024_cv_frederike_migom.pdf Frederike Migom eligible Activité Directing/author team Director Screenwriter Contenu Fiction Documentary Corporate/Advertising Web series Musical clip Contact 1080 Brussel T: +32479025395 M: +32479025395 Site Web Langues parlées French Dutch English
Series Documentary Mag ik (ik) zijn? Young people, admitted to psychiatric units, have their say. They share the feeling of not being able to exist in the world. MAY I BE (ME...