Main image Rues d’Assaut & Fossé aux Loups Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Ecclectism, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Rues des Fripiers et Grétry – Kleerkoppers- en Grétrystraat Type of architecture Ecclectism, Neoclassicism, Regionalist Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Rues des six jeunes hommes et des quatre fils d'Aymon Type of architecture Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Housing, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Ancient, Stairs, Exterior, Public Main image Rues Herkoliers et Sergijsels Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Child, Exterior, Public Main image Rues Schmitz et de Ganshoren Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site House, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial, Public Main image Rues de la Senne, Notre-Dame du Sommeil et de la Braie Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Modern classicism, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Saint-Pierre and Homère Goossens squares Type of architecture Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Square, Public Main image See U Type of venue/site Workshop / handcraft, Military compound, Cinema, Warehouse / depository, Nightlife, Festival hall Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial Main image Sobieski Park Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public Main image Solvay Library Type of architecture Art Nouveau, Ecclectism Type of venue/site Arts, Festival hall Caractéristiques Ancient, Balcony, Library, Middleclass, Stairs, Exterior, Ironwork, Entrance-Hall, Interior, Terrace, Toilets Main image Sonian Forest Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Nature Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public Main image Storage hangar Haren Type of venue/site Warehouse / depository, Store chain Caractéristiques Exterior, Garage, Industrial, Interior Main image Ten Reuken Park Type of venue/site Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior Main image Tenbosch Park Type of venue/site Sport centre, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Leasure, Public Main image Théâtre de Poche Type of venue/site Bar / brewery / tavern, Forest / wood, Nightlife, Theater Caractéristiques Exterior, Entrance-Hall, Reception desk Main image Town hall and Saint-Anne church Type of architecture 50's, Art Deco, Modernism Type of venue/site Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica, Townhall / communal house, Street Furniture Caractéristiques Corridors, Stairs, Exterior, Entrance-Hall, Modern, Square, Public Main image Triangle and Espace Pierron Type of venue/site Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Canal, Child, Exterior, Street art Main image Tunnels Type of architecture Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site Streets / roads, Tunnel Caractéristiques Exterior Main image ULTRA asylum Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Modernism Type of venue/site Arts, Cinema, Commercial gallery, Shop, Parking-lot, Swimming pool, Restaurant, Studio / polyvalent area, Theater Caractéristiques Elevator, Library, Cellar, Corridors, Stairs, Exterior, Garage, Entrance-Hall, Garden, Leasure, Modern, Square, Private, Reception desk, Street art, Terrace, Toilets Main image Villa Bens Type of venue/site House Caractéristiques Library, Child, Stairs, Exterior, Interior, Garden, Private, Villa Main image Villa - Verrewinkel wood Type of architecture 50's Type of venue/site Housing, House, Parks / green area, Swimming pool Caractéristiques Countryside, Exterior, Garden, Private, Villa Main image Wasteland Alphonse Vandenpeereboom Caractéristiques Exterior Main image Whitbread - Libérateurs Type of architecture Art Deco Type of venue/site Confections, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial Main image Windmill Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Mill, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Countryside, Exterior Main image Wolvendael House Type of architecture 50's Type of venue/site House Caractéristiques Balcony, Library, Exterior, Garden, Private Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Clear filters Type of venue/site Streets / roads (76) Parks / green area (37) House (13) Festival hall (9) Fountain (9) Housing (8) Museum (7) Forest / wood (6) Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica (5) Factory (5) Funerary monument / memorial (5) Garden village (5) Restaurant (5) Street Furniture (5) Studio / polyvalent area (5) Warehouse / depository (5) Workshop / handcraft (5) Bar / brewery / tavern (4) Cemetery (4) Nature (4) Nightlife (4) Performance hall (4) Shop (4) Sport centre (4) Theater (4) Appartment (3) Arts (3) Bridge (3) Cloiser / Abbey (3) Confections (3) Office (3) Parking-lot (3) Public transport (3) Cinema (2) Club (2) Commercial gallery (2) Hospital / clinic (2) Hotel (2) Indoor market (2) Station (2) Swimming pool (2) Antique dealer (1) Bakery (1) Cult place (1) Educational institution / school (1) Greenhouse (1) Kiosk (1) Military compound (1) Mill (1) Nursing home (1) Old farmhouse (1) Old village house (1) Police station (1) Store chain (1) Townhall / communal house (1) Tunnel (1) Type of architecture Neoclassicism (31) Contemporary architecture (22) Ecclectism (19) Art Deco (17) Neorenaissance (17) Art Nouveau (15) Town house (13) 50's (12) 60's (12) Baroque (10) Neo-baroque (8) Modern classicism (5) Rural architecture (5) Modernism (4) Neo Gothic (3) Regionalist (2) Romanesque (2) Brutalism (1) Rococo (1) Characteristics (-) Exterior (145) Public (128) Stairs (66) Private (65) Interior (64) Garden (54) Middleclass (54) Industrial (51) Terrace (47) Entrance-Hall (45) Ironwork (45) Ancient (42) Corridors (39) Parisian (37) Pond (29) Balcony (28) Modern (28) Reception desk (24) Elevator (23) Countryside (22) Square (22) Chimney (20) Londonian (20) Master house (20) View (20) Leasure (17) Toilets (17) Library (16) Refined (16) Street art (14) Canal (13) Cellar (13) Corridors (13) Religious (12) Garage (11) Carriage entrance (9) Villa (8) Child (7) Escalator (5) Patio (5) Laundry (3) Roofbeams (3) Conservatory (2) Timber framing (2) Courtyard (1) Borough Brussels (77) Molenbeek-Saint-Jean (13) Koekelberg (8) Jette (7) Uccle (6) Ixelles (5) Schaerbeek (5) Anderlecht (4) Watermael-Boitsfort (4) Forest (3) Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (3) Berchem-Sainte-Agathe (2) Saint-Josse-ten-Noode (2) Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (2) Auderghem (1) Etterbeek (1) Evere (1) Ganshoren (1)
Main image Rues d’Assaut & Fossé aux Loups Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Ecclectism, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Rues des Fripiers et Grétry – Kleerkoppers- en Grétrystraat Type of architecture Ecclectism, Neoclassicism, Regionalist Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Rues des six jeunes hommes et des quatre fils d'Aymon Type of architecture Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Housing, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Ancient, Stairs, Exterior, Public
Main image Rues Herkoliers et Sergijsels Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Child, Exterior, Public
Main image Rues Schmitz et de Ganshoren Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site House, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial, Public
Main image Rues de la Senne, Notre-Dame du Sommeil et de la Braie Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Modern classicism, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Saint-Pierre and Homère Goossens squares Type of architecture Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Square, Public
Main image See U Type of venue/site Workshop / handcraft, Military compound, Cinema, Warehouse / depository, Nightlife, Festival hall Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial
Main image Sobieski Park Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public
Main image Solvay Library Type of architecture Art Nouveau, Ecclectism Type of venue/site Arts, Festival hall Caractéristiques Ancient, Balcony, Library, Middleclass, Stairs, Exterior, Ironwork, Entrance-Hall, Interior, Terrace, Toilets
Main image Sonian Forest Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Nature Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public
Main image Storage hangar Haren Type of venue/site Warehouse / depository, Store chain Caractéristiques Exterior, Garage, Industrial, Interior
Main image Tenbosch Park Type of venue/site Sport centre, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Leasure, Public
Main image Théâtre de Poche Type of venue/site Bar / brewery / tavern, Forest / wood, Nightlife, Theater Caractéristiques Exterior, Entrance-Hall, Reception desk
Main image Town hall and Saint-Anne church Type of architecture 50's, Art Deco, Modernism Type of venue/site Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica, Townhall / communal house, Street Furniture Caractéristiques Corridors, Stairs, Exterior, Entrance-Hall, Modern, Square, Public
Main image Triangle and Espace Pierron Type of venue/site Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Canal, Child, Exterior, Street art
Main image Tunnels Type of architecture Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site Streets / roads, Tunnel Caractéristiques Exterior
Main image ULTRA asylum Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Modernism Type of venue/site Arts, Cinema, Commercial gallery, Shop, Parking-lot, Swimming pool, Restaurant, Studio / polyvalent area, Theater Caractéristiques Elevator, Library, Cellar, Corridors, Stairs, Exterior, Garage, Entrance-Hall, Garden, Leasure, Modern, Square, Private, Reception desk, Street art, Terrace, Toilets
Main image Villa Bens Type of venue/site House Caractéristiques Library, Child, Stairs, Exterior, Interior, Garden, Private, Villa
Main image Villa - Verrewinkel wood Type of architecture 50's Type of venue/site Housing, House, Parks / green area, Swimming pool Caractéristiques Countryside, Exterior, Garden, Private, Villa
Main image Whitbread - Libérateurs Type of architecture Art Deco Type of venue/site Confections, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial
Main image Windmill Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Mill, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Countryside, Exterior
Main image Wolvendael House Type of architecture 50's Type of venue/site House Caractéristiques Balcony, Library, Exterior, Garden, Private