Annecy Festival 2024

animation projets

Brussels Animation Valley, along Lake Annecy

This Friday sees the start of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the world's leading event dedicated to animation! For one week, the event brings together the biggest names in the field, celebrating the creativity and diversity of animation styles and techniques. As every year, the talents of #Brussels #animationvalley will be in the spotlight, present at the Market and in official competition. Here's a look at the program: 

Our Summer of Freedom "The Slap"

Algiers, 1955. One day at the market, Khadidja’s older brother Malek is arrested by the police. From their little hut in the Casbah, Khadidja and her friends Lyes, Philippe and Ahmed are going to do everything they can to find him.

Animated series produced by DARJEELING, PANIQUE! and LUNANIME, and directed by Antoine COLOMB

In official selection in the TV Films category.

Petite Casbah


In Borneo, near the tropical forest, Kéria rescues a baby orangutang in the palm oil plantation where her father works. Kéria's cousin Selaï comes to live with them seeking refuge from the conflict between his indigenous tribe and the logging companies. Kéria, Selaï and the little orangutang, now named Oshi, will have to fight against their forest’s destruction.

Animated feature by Claude BARRAS, produced by NADASDY FILM and PANIQUE!

After its official selection at Cannes 2024, the film competed at Annecy in the Feature Film category. 

Olivia and the Invisible Earthquake

Olivia, a 12-year-old teenager, her little brother Tim and their mother Ingrid, live in a wealthy district of Barcelona. One day, their electricity and gas are cut off. Olivia begins to realize that something is wrong. Ingrid, their mother, no longer has a job and can no longer cope with their precarious situation. They are evicted from their home and end up living in a squat in a poor suburb. From one day to the next, Olivia and her family find themselves in a new life, far from the comforts they once enjoyed. To protect Tim from the harsh realities of life, she invents a film in which they are the protagonists.

Animated feature directed by Irene Iborra Rizo and produced by Terremoto AIE, Vivement Lundi, Panique !

The film is presented in the Work in Progress section.

Olivia, et les tremblements de terre invisibles

Studios from the Brussels Animation Valley will also be present to showcase their work, underlining their experience and the quality of their projects on the European animation map. In the official competition, Flow by Gints ZILBALODIS, produced by Take Five, will be present, as well as in the work in progress section: Allah Is Not Obliged, directed by Zaven Najjar and produced by Need productions, Planets directed by Momoko Seto and produced by Umedia and Night of the Zoopocalypse directed by Rodrigo Perez-Castro, Ricardo Curtis also produced by Umedia, La Rivière à l'envers directed by Paul Leluc and produced by Vivi Film. There will also be a special event around the project involving nWave Studios and Jean-Paul Gauthier.