Soeurs de combat

Portuguese, Portugal

Portuguese, Brazil





Following the example of Greta Thunberg, a group of young people have taken up the fight to save our planet for months. The film shows the journey of these committed young women, each different yet all driven by an energy that makes them capable of moving mountains. This is the collective story of a group of fighters driven by hope, commitment and extraordinary idealism. To better understand the commitment of Anuna and Adelaide (Belgium), Luisa (Germany), Léna (France), Leah (Uganda) and Artemisa (Brazil), we will follow them but also cross their struggle with that of an extraordinary woman who preceded them: Julia Butterfly. Twenty years ago, after living for 738 days on top of a majestic sequoia, this young American activist managed to save a thousand-year-old forest from being cut down.


Release date
May 2023
Release date
May 2023