Rosie & Moussa go for a walk on the 28th of March

Based on the books by Michael De Cock and Judith Vanistendael. Rosie en Moussa is truly a Brussels story, filmed in Molenbeek and the centre of the city, with the support of

Following a series in Brussel Deze Week (now called Bruzz), several books, and translations into German, French, Italian, Slovenian, Turkish and Japanese, we now present Rosie & Moussa, the film. The film has since been selected for four foreign festivals, including the prestigious Toronto festival (TIFF).

Rosie moves with her mother to a flat at the other side of Brussels. There she gets to know a lot of eccentric people, but especially Moussa, who lives upstairs from her. He shows Rosie around the neighbourhood and even takes her to the roof of the building. Together, they start looking for Rosie’s dad, who hasn’t come home for a while...

Dorothée van den Berghe directs, and Ruth Beeckmans, Titus De Voogdt, Mourade Zeguendi, Damiaan De Schrijver et al. star alongside Savannah Vandendriessche and Imad Bojri.

A film about the heart-warming friendship between two young neighbours ! In cinemas on the 28th of March.

See the trailer here