Environmentally friendly filming: follow the guide!

Filming a feature film uses on average the same carbon equivalent as a family of 4 during one year: 73 tons of CO2, 40% of which for transportation alone! Acting upon its desire to implement changes in favour of the environment, screen.brussels publishes a brochure devoted to Environmentally Friendly Filming in the Brussels-Capital Region. Common sense actions, steps to take as early as budgeting begins, and a couple of helpful tips: productions in Brussels now have a practical tool to use throughout their project.

Designed as a roadmap for production teams, the leaflet presents those steps in seven categories. From transport to catering, from energy to accommodation, you will discover which actions can reduce the impact of filming on the environment. The brochure includes up-to-date links to Brussels suppliers for each category, as well as ideas to help adopt new, greener practices.

This guide adds to a series of actions already proposed by the Film Commission, such as free reusable drinking bottles (to reduce the use of plastic bottles and cans), assistance with waste treatment, and advice from a coach in eco-responsibility. A reinforced collaboration with Brussels Environment will soon encourage recycling and facilitate access to fresh and local food.

Read the brochure in digital version (available in FR-NL-EN), on www.screen.brussels/en/eco-filming