Belgians set to conquer gamescom, the beating heart of gaming

Belgian video games continue to be successful abroad, which is why, from 21 to 25 August (from 22 August for the general public), a Belgian delegation will once again be attending gamescom in Cologne, the planet’s largest gaming fair, with a stand in the national colours that is sure to draw plenty of interest. More than twenty companies will be represented at the Belgian stand, all of them specialists in video game development or in services for the gaming industry. Combining Belgian creativity and technology, these companies all have high growth potential. This initiative is the brainchild of Flanders DC, the Walloon and Flemish Games Association (WALGA and FLEGA) and the gaming sector’s representative in Brussels,

This year, the Belgian delegation is being led by the Flemish Minister for Media, Sven Gatz, and the Brussels State Secretary for Foreign Trade, Cécile Jodogne.

“The Flemish gaming industry can be compared to the Red Devils a few years back in that it’s a sector with great talent and enormous potential. Our companies are sure to do very well at gamescom, and I’m delighted to be able to offer them a helping hand.” – Flemish Minister Sven Gatz.

“In the gaming sector, Brussels’ companies are internationally renowned for the quality of their services, whether for sound, VR or graphics. With the and plan, the Brussels Region is supporting the development of these companies abroad.”– Brussels State Secretary for Foreign TradeCécile Jodogne.[UW1]

“As sectoral federations and organisations working to support the gaming sector, we’re delighted by the presence of Minister Gatz and State Secretary Jodogne. We’ll be very happy to guide them at the largest gaming fair in the world in order to convince them of the size of the gaming industry and the economic opportunities for our country. And we’re looking forward to them making their announcements at the Belgian Beer Café.”- David Verbruggen from FLEGA, Bruno Urbain from WALGA, Marine Haverland from and Pascal Cools from Flanders DC.

The video game industry has gone from strength to strength in recent years and is enjoying unprecedented economic growth. Gaming is now the second largest cultural industry in the world and, in economic terms, is no less than three times as large as the film industry (FR). Video game technology is present in numerous sectors: whether it’s healthcare, education or Elon Musk asking games developers to apply for jobs at Tesla, the number of applications for purposes other than pure leisure is constantly rising.

The following Belgian companies will be showcasing their latest developments to an audience of professionals at the Belgian stand located in the business zone:

Flemish companies: Graphine, Cronos Interactive/Mantis Games, 1UP Conference, Bazookas, God as a Cucumber, LuGus Studios, Adshot, DAE Studios, PreviewLabs, Gameeleon, Studio Waterzooi.

Walloon companies: Apocalypse Hunters, Black Land Studio, Fishing Cactus, Rablo Games, Fire Falcom, 120 Pixels - Slideenjoy, Triseum, Technobel

Brussels companies: AppTweak, OneBonsai

In the Leisure zone, the general public will be able to try out the latest games from the following Belgian companies: SU-Games, Fishing Cactus, Pajama Llama, eXiin, Glowfish Interactive, Cybernetic Walrus, Crazy Monkey Studios, and Larian Studios.


With ‘Space Pirate Trainer’ by Dirk Van Welden, I-Illusions has developed the first Belgian VR game on PlayStation VR. Its official public presentation is not due until autumn 2018, but the Belgian delegation at gamescom will be given an exclusive PlayStation presentation during their visit to the fair.

Onsite gathering

As usual, gamescom’s opening day, Tuesday 21 August, will draw to a close with a pop-up Belgian Beer Café at the Belgian stand, between 5 and 7 pm, an event open only to professionals and the media.