Leopold Park

Parc Léopold is a public park located within the European Quarter of Brussels, adjacent to the Paul-Henri Spaak building.

The 10 hectares park was opened to the public in 1880 after the unpopular Royal Zoological Garden had been removed. During the following years, a campus for the famous Solvay School of Commerce was established in the park but construction of additional buildings was soon curtailed for fear of encroachment on the park and its fragile wildlife. The buildings have remained to this day but only one still belongs to Solvay. The building of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is also located in the park.The Solvay Library is also located in the park and houses the Security & Defence Agenda, Friends of Europe and Maison d'Europe think tanks. In 2017, the House of European History, a history museum, opened in the refurbished Eastman Building.

Direction: cellule espaces verts Brussels (film fee)

Type of venue/site
Parks / green area