I would like to request a temporary or permanent road block. What should I do?

You can request a blockade using the usual request form. Keep the following points in mind:

  1. Identify the reason for the blockade: state clearly why this request is necessary and what type of blockade you want (temporary or permanent). Clearly state how long you want the blockade in place for.
  2. Please ensure that you provide all the information required for the procedure to run smoothly. Provide additional information: site plan, traffic plan, diversion route, etc.
  3. Check whether other organisations are affected (e.g. public transport). If they are likely to be inconvenienced as a result of your film shoot, additional authorisation from these bodies is required.
  4. Inform local residents of the activities that will be taking place.

If your application is approved, please ensure that you comply with all local authority regulations and guidelines during the blockade period. This may involve, for example, putting road signs in place, lifting the blockade at a certain time, etc.
