Main image Ambiorix Square Type of architecture 50's, Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Exterior, Garden, Public Main image Avenue Palmerston Type of architecture Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Square, Public Main image Bois de la Cambre Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Parks / green area Main image Bois Domanial De Dieleghem Type of venue/site Forest / wood Caractéristiques Exterior, Leasure, Public Main image Le Chalet Robinson Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Restaurant, Festival hall Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Private, Reception desk Main image colonial garden Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Leasure, Public Main image Gaucheret Park and square Type of architecture Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site Sport centre, Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Public, Street art Main image Georges Henri park Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Leasure, Public Main image Jardin Botanique Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Greenhouse Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior Main image Josaphat Park Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Old farmhouse, Forest / wood, Parks / green area, Greenhouse Caractéristiques Countryside, Pond, Public Main image Kids farmhouse of Jette Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Old farmhouse, Forest / wood, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Countryside, Garden, Leasure, Public Main image Marie-Louise square Type of architecture Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior Main image Parc de Bruxelles Type of architecture Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Fountain, Street Furniture, Nature, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Petit Sablon Square Type of architecture Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Exterior, Ironwork, Garden, Square, Public Main image Place de Brouckère Type of venue/site Fountain, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Parisian, Square Main image Place du Jardin aux Fleurs Type of architecture Town house Type of venue/site Fountain, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Square, Public Main image Red Cloister Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Old farmhouse, Old village house, Cloiser / Abbey, Forest / wood, Nature, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public Main image Sobieski Park Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public Main image Sonian Forest Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Nature Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public Main image The gardens of the Abbaye de la Cambre Type of architecture Modern classicism Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Parisian Main image Théâtre de Poche Type of venue/site Bar / brewery / tavern, Forest / wood, Nightlife, Theater Caractéristiques Exterior, Entrance-Hall, Reception desk Clear filters Type of venue/site Streets / roads (105) Parks / green area (65) House (45) Studio / polyvalent area (40) Housing (36) Appartment (33) Bar / brewery / tavern (26) Festival hall (23) Restaurant (21) Workshop / handcraft (20) Hotel (19) Museum (19) Performance hall (19) Garden village (17) Office (17) Warehouse / depository (16) Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica (15) (-) Fountain (12) Nightlife (12) Theater (11) Arts (10) (-) Forest / wood (9) Shop (9) Bridge (7) Confections (6) Factory (6) Public transport (6) Station (6) Cemetery (5) Cinema (5) Club (5) Commercial gallery (5) Funerary monument / memorial (5) Nature (5) Old farmhouse (5) Old village house (5) Sport centre (5) Street Furniture (5) Cloiser / Abbey (4) Cult place (4) Educational institution / school (4) Indoor market (4) Parking-lot (4) Swimming pool (4) Antique dealer (3) Greenhouse (3) Hospital / clinic (3) Townhall / communal house (3) Academy of music / artschool (2) Family housing (2) Nursing home (2) Tunnel (2) Bakery (1) Boat / houseboat (1) Kiosk (1) Military compound (1) Mill (1) Police station (1) Sculpture (1) Sewer (1) Slaughterhouse (1) Store chain (1) Water tower (1) Type of architecture Art Nouveau (3) Rural architecture (3) 50's (1) Contemporary architecture (1) Modern classicism (1) Neoclassicism (1) Neorenaissance (1) Town house (1) Characteristics Exterior (15) Public (14) Pond (7) Leasure (4) Square (4) Garden (3) Middleclass (3) Countryside (2) Parisian (2) Reception desk (2) Entrance-Hall (1) Ironwork (1) Private (1) Street art (1) Borough Brussels (12) Jette (2) Schaerbeek (2) Auderghem (1) Ixelles (1) Saint-Josse-ten-Noode (1) Watermael-Boitsfort (1) Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (1)
Main image Ambiorix Square Type of architecture 50's, Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Exterior, Garden, Public
Main image Avenue Palmerston Type of architecture Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Square, Public
Main image Bois Domanial De Dieleghem Type of venue/site Forest / wood Caractéristiques Exterior, Leasure, Public
Main image Le Chalet Robinson Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Restaurant, Festival hall Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Private, Reception desk
Main image colonial garden Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Leasure, Public
Main image Gaucheret Park and square Type of architecture Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site Sport centre, Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Public, Street art
Main image Georges Henri park Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Leasure, Public
Main image Jardin Botanique Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Greenhouse Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior
Main image Josaphat Park Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Old farmhouse, Forest / wood, Parks / green area, Greenhouse Caractéristiques Countryside, Pond, Public
Main image Kids farmhouse of Jette Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Old farmhouse, Forest / wood, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Countryside, Garden, Leasure, Public
Main image Marie-Louise square Type of architecture Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior
Main image Parc de Bruxelles Type of architecture Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Fountain, Street Furniture, Nature, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Petit Sablon Square Type of architecture Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Exterior, Ironwork, Garden, Square, Public
Main image Place de Brouckère Type of venue/site Fountain, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Parisian, Square
Main image Place du Jardin aux Fleurs Type of architecture Town house Type of venue/site Fountain, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Square, Public
Main image Red Cloister Type of architecture Rural architecture Type of venue/site Old farmhouse, Old village house, Cloiser / Abbey, Forest / wood, Nature, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public
Main image Sobieski Park Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public
Main image Sonian Forest Type of venue/site Forest / wood, Nature Caractéristiques Pond, Exterior, Public
Main image The gardens of the Abbaye de la Cambre Type of architecture Modern classicism Type of venue/site Fountain, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Parisian
Main image Théâtre de Poche Type of venue/site Bar / brewery / tavern, Forest / wood, Nightlife, Theater Caractéristiques Exterior, Entrance-Hall, Reception desk