Main image Rampe du Lion - Albert bridge Type of architecture Brutalism Type of venue/site Bridge, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial, View, Public Clear filters Type of venue/site Bridge (1) Indoor market (1) (-) Streets / roads (1) Studio / polyvalent area (1) Warehouse / depository (1) Workshop / handcraft (1) Type of architecture Neoclassicism (24) Contemporary architecture (19) Ecclectism (18) Art Deco (17) Neorenaissance (16) Art Nouveau (14) Town house (13) 60's (12) 50's (10) Baroque (10) Neo-baroque (8) Modern classicism (6) Modernism (4) Romanesque (3) Neo Gothic (2) Regionalist (2) Rural architecture (2) (-) Brutalism (1) Rococo (1) Characteristics Exterior (1) Industrial (1) Public (1) View (1) Borough Brussels (1)
Main image Rampe du Lion - Albert bridge Type of architecture Brutalism Type of venue/site Bridge, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial, View, Public