Main image Avenue des Gloires Nationales & Avenue du Panthéon Type of architecture Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Modern classicism, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Exterior, Londonian, Master house, Parisian Main image Cemetery of Laeken Type of architecture Art Deco, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Cemetery, Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica, Funerary monument / memorial, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Ancient, Cellar, Corridors, Stairs, Exterior, Parisian, Public, Religious Main image Corinthia Grand Hotel Astoria Brussels Type of architecture Art Deco, Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Hotel, Restaurant Caractéristiques Elevator, Middleclass, Chimney, Corridors, Stairs, Interior, Modern, View, Parisian, Terrace Main image Hotel - Le Plaza Type of architecture Art Deco, Ecclectism Type of venue/site Hotel Caractéristiques Middleclass, Entrance-Hall, Parisian, Reception desk Main image Laeken House Type of architecture Art Deco Type of venue/site Housing, House Caractéristiques Balcony, Library, Middleclass, Chimney, Corridors, Stairs, Ironwork, Garage, Garden, Parisian, Private Clear filters Type of venue/site Hotel (2) Cemetery (1) Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica (1) Funerary monument / memorial (1) House (1) Housing (1) Parks / green area (1) Restaurant (1) Streets / roads (1) Type of architecture Neoclassicism (19) Art Nouveau (9) Ecclectism (9) (-) Art Deco (5) Contemporary architecture (4) Town house (3) Modern classicism (2) 50's (1) 60's (1) Neo-baroque (1) Neorenaissance (1) Postmodernism (1) Rural architecture (1) Characteristics Exterior (17) Public (17) Private (11) Stairs (10) Ironwork (9) Middleclass (9) Garden (8) Interior (7) Londonian (7) Corridors (5) Countryside (5) Entrance-Hall (5) Modern (5) (-) Parisian (5) Chimney (4) Elevator (4) Master house (4) Terrace (4) Ancient (3) Villa (3) Garage (2) Industrial (2) Library (2) Reception desk (2) Religious (2) Square (2) View (2) Balcony (1) Cellar (1) Child (1) Corridors (1) Patio (1) Refined (1) Borough Brussels (3) Bruxelles (1) Koekelberg (1)
Main image Avenue des Gloires Nationales & Avenue du Panthéon Type of architecture Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Modern classicism, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Middleclass, Exterior, Londonian, Master house, Parisian
Main image Cemetery of Laeken Type of architecture Art Deco, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Cemetery, Church / Chapell / cathedral / basilica, Funerary monument / memorial, Parks / green area Caractéristiques Ancient, Cellar, Corridors, Stairs, Exterior, Parisian, Public, Religious
Main image Corinthia Grand Hotel Astoria Brussels Type of architecture Art Deco, Art Nouveau Type of venue/site Hotel, Restaurant Caractéristiques Elevator, Middleclass, Chimney, Corridors, Stairs, Interior, Modern, View, Parisian, Terrace
Main image Hotel - Le Plaza Type of architecture Art Deco, Ecclectism Type of venue/site Hotel Caractéristiques Middleclass, Entrance-Hall, Parisian, Reception desk
Main image Laeken House Type of architecture Art Deco Type of venue/site Housing, House Caractéristiques Balcony, Library, Middleclass, Chimney, Corridors, Stairs, Ironwork, Garage, Garden, Parisian, Private