Main image Chateau Karreveld Type of architecture Neorenaissance Caractéristiques Chimney, Corridors, Pond, Entrance-Hall, Garden, Reception desk Main image Hôtel Empain - Hôtel de Knuyt de Vosmaer Type of architecture Ecclectism, Neo-baroque, Neorenaissance, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Appartment, Office, Hotel, Housing, Sculpture Caractéristiques Middleclass, Chimney, Corridors, Ironwork, Entrance-Hall, Interior, Master house, Parisian, Private, Reception desk Main image KVS Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Performance hall, Theater Caractéristiques Balcony, Middleclass, Corridors, Stairs, Ironwork, Entrance-Hall, Interior, Modern, Terrace Clear filters Type of venue/site Appartment (1) Hotel (1) Housing (1) Office (1) Performance hall (1) Sculpture (1) Theater (1) Type of architecture Neoclassicism (10) Contemporary architecture (8) Art Nouveau (6) Ecclectism (6) Art Deco (5) Modernism (3) (-) Neorenaissance (3) 50's (1) 60's (1) Baroque (1) Neo-baroque (1) Postmodernism (1) Streamline style (1) Town house (1) Characteristics Exterior (17) Public (16) Ancient (5) Entrance-Hall (4) Garden (4) Ironwork (4) Middleclass (4) Stairs (4) Terrace (4) Balcony (3) (-) Corridors (3) Interior (3) Private (3) Square (3) Chimney (2) Library (2) Modern (2) Pond (2) Reception desk (2) Carriage entrance (1) Cellar (1) Corridors (1) Countryside (1) Industrial (1) Master house (1) Parisian (1) Religious (1) Borough Brussels (2) Molenbeek-Saint-Jean (1)
Main image Chateau Karreveld Type of architecture Neorenaissance Caractéristiques Chimney, Corridors, Pond, Entrance-Hall, Garden, Reception desk
Main image Hôtel Empain - Hôtel de Knuyt de Vosmaer Type of architecture Ecclectism, Neo-baroque, Neorenaissance, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Appartment, Office, Hotel, Housing, Sculpture Caractéristiques Middleclass, Chimney, Corridors, Ironwork, Entrance-Hall, Interior, Master house, Parisian, Private, Reception desk
Main image KVS Type of architecture Contemporary architecture, Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Performance hall, Theater Caractéristiques Balcony, Middleclass, Corridors, Stairs, Ironwork, Entrance-Hall, Interior, Modern, Terrace