Main image Anciens quais - Quartier Sainte-Catherine / Kaaienwijk Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Contemporary architecture, Ecclectism, Town house, Neorenaissance, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Boulevard du Roi Albert II Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains - Nieuwe Graanmarkt Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Town house Type of venue/site Street Furniture, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Square, Public Main image Quai au Briques et quai au Bois à Brûler - Baksteenkaai en Brandhoutkaai Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Ecclectism, Neo-baroque, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public, Terrace Main image Rempart des Moines Type of architecture 60's Type of venue/site Garden village, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public Main image Royal Library of Belgium Type of architecture 60's Caractéristiques Elevator, Library, Corridors, Entrance-Hall, View, Public, Terrace Main image Rue de Ruysbroeck Type of architecture 60's, Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Library, Exterior, Modern, Square, Public Main image Rues Herkoliers et Sergijsels Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Child, Exterior, Public Main image Rues Schmitz et de Ganshoren Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site House, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial, Public Clear filters Type of venue/site Streets / roads (8) Garden village (1) House (1) Street Furniture (1) Type of architecture Neoclassicism (28) Contemporary architecture (18) Art Deco (17) Ecclectism (16) Neorenaissance (16) 50's (10) (-) 60's (9) Art Nouveau (9) Baroque (9) Town house (9) Neo-baroque (8) Rural architecture (7) Modernism (5) Modern classicism (4) Neo Gothic (2) Regionalist (2) Romanesque (2) Brutalism (1) Rococo (1) Streamline style (1) Characteristics Exterior (12) (-) Public (9) Modern (4) Private (4) Terrace (4) Entrance-Hall (3) Garden (3) Interior (3) Stairs (3) Corridors (2) Corridors (2) Elevator (2) Garage (2) Industrial (2) Library (2) Square (2) View (2) Ancient (1) Balcony (1) Cellar (1) Child (1) Chimney (1) Leasure (1) Londonian (1) Parisian (1) Patio (1) Reception desk (1) Religious (1) Toilets (1) Villa (1) Borough Brussels (7) Koekelberg (2)
Main image Anciens quais - Quartier Sainte-Catherine / Kaaienwijk Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Contemporary architecture, Ecclectism, Town house, Neorenaissance, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Boulevard du Roi Albert II Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains - Nieuwe Graanmarkt Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Town house Type of venue/site Street Furniture, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Square, Public
Main image Quai au Briques et quai au Bois à Brûler - Baksteenkaai en Brandhoutkaai Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Ecclectism, Neo-baroque, Neoclassicism Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public, Terrace
Main image Rempart des Moines Type of architecture 60's Type of venue/site Garden village, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Public
Main image Royal Library of Belgium Type of architecture 60's Caractéristiques Elevator, Library, Corridors, Entrance-Hall, View, Public, Terrace
Main image Rue de Ruysbroeck Type of architecture 60's, Neorenaissance Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Library, Exterior, Modern, Square, Public
Main image Rues Herkoliers et Sergijsels Type of architecture 50's, 60's, Contemporary architecture, Art Deco, Town house Type of venue/site Streets / roads Caractéristiques Child, Exterior, Public
Main image Rues Schmitz et de Ganshoren Type of architecture 60's, Contemporary architecture Type of venue/site House, Streets / roads Caractéristiques Exterior, Industrial, Public