Round Table: Belgian Francophone Audiovisual

For more than a year we have been living in a world turned upside down by a global health crisis. With the help of our speakers*, we will dissect the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on the Belgian French-speaking audiovisual sector. How has this crisis affected a whole section of our society and economy? Does it play a role in aggravating the problems intrinsic to this sector?

Aurore Boraczek is an audiovisual advisor within cluster and will moderate this round table with Guillaume Senez (director and scriptwriter). He will represent the Association des Réalisateurs et Réalisatrices Francophones (ARRF). The director Tülin Özdemir of the documentaries Les Lunes Rousses (2019) and Au-delà de l'ararat (2013) will also give her vision of the current situation in the French-speaking Belgian audiovisual landscape. 

To participate in this round table, you can register on the Bozar website in Brussels

Link to the website Elles tournent-damesdraaien

Link to the Round Table event

The discussion will be in French.