
Pandas are so cute! They eat bamboo, are jovial, are the logo of the WWF, children and adults love them, and are photogenic and telegenic. Problem is, they are endangered. To survive, our pandas fight with imagination, humour and sarcasm against the deforestation and deterioration of their environment. Their responses are always a bit odd, to say nothing of their ability to find real solutions to their problems. However, they never get discouraged! The Pandas were created by Tignous (Charlie Hebdo, Marianne). Sadly, on 7 January 2015, he was murdered during the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, the satirical weekly he was working for. After his death, François Rollin took up the series. In 2016, a first season of 15 episodes was produced. However, the new stories are more like adaptations tackling heated political issues.