MediaHub Brussel launch 19/06: Final Programme & Last Tickets

Meda hub launch

Mediahub Brussels: Launch on 19 June 2018 by Flemish Minister Sven Gatz and VUB Rector Caroline Pauwels.

On 19 June 2018 Minister Sven Gatz and VUB Rector Caroline Pauwels will launch the Mediahub Brussels and the new “MediaHub Brussels Conference” that will from now on take place yearly.

Mediahub Brussels wants to stimulate cooperations between media companies, cross-disciplinary academic researchers, and policy makers, to strengthen the media industry. The launch event will also present the new degree "Postgraduate in Media Economics”, investments in fundamental research, and uncover the future initiatives of the MediaHub.

Mediahub Brussels is supported by the Flemish Government and the Flemish minister of Culture, Media, Youth and Brussels Sven Gatz.

Location: Thon Hotel Brussel City Centre, Avenue du Boulevard 17, 1210 Brussels


12:00 – 13:00: Registration

13:00 – 13:30: Intro by minister Gatz, VUB rector Pauwels, SMIT director Ballon

13:30 – 14:15: Keynote ‘Media in the land of Digitalis’ by Thierry Geerts (CEO Google Belgium and Luxemburg)

14:15 – 14:45: Coffee Break

14:45 – 15:30: Panel 1 - The Brussels’ media ecosystem. Introduction by Marlen Komorowski (VUB)

Dieter Boen, VRT Innovation

Noël Magis, Screen.Brussels

Dane Anderton, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

Michal Glowacki, University of Warsaw

Ike Picone, MediaClusters.Brussels

15:30 – 16:15: Panel 2 - European cooperation for media innovation. Introduction by Olivier Braet (VUB)

Elise Descamps, imec istart

Ivan Vandermeersch, Belgian Association of Marketing (BAM)

Dirk Vanhegen, Medianet Vlaanderen

Mike Matton, Mediaroad

Karen Donders, Head Media Unit SMIT

16:15 – 16:30: Closing statement Jean-Claude Burgelman (European Commission - DG Research & Innovation, t.b.c.)

16:30 – 18:00 Drinks & Networking

Attendance is free, but registration is required.