How do I access a pedestrian zone?

A pedestrian zone is a set of streets reserved for pedestrians (unless otherwise indicated). In certain cases, it is possible to obtain temporary or permanent access (building sites, moving house, special deliveries, access to a private garage, etc.)

The following rules apply in a pedestrian zone:

  • parking is prohibited
  • loading and unloading of people and goods (deliveries) can only take place between 4 a.m. and 11 a.m. (including taxis)
  • cyclists are allowed if signposted
  • taxis are authorised
  • any person authorised to drive in such a zone must do so at walking pace and give way to pedestrians. They must also stop whenever necessary. Motorists must not endanger or obstruct pedestrians.

You can obtain authorisation by clearly indicating this in your application. Don't forget to include the registration plates of any vehicles entering this zone. Once your application has been analysed and submitted to the relevant authorities, the Film Commission will provide you with the necessary information on the procedure to follow. 
