What is eligible expenditure?

Eligible expenditures are expenses intended to remunerate individuals or companies in the film and audiovisual industry. To be considered eligible, they must fulfil two criteria: meet the eligible type of services and be billed from the Brussels-Capital Region.

Type of service:

The services must be provided to individuals or companies whose main activity is related to the film and audiovisual industry. For example, the services of a cameraman, a director, an electrician, an editor or the hire of technical equipment or machinery are considered eligible. However, invoices for the hire of a transport vehicle from a rental agency, overnight stays in a hotel or renting a flat from a private individual to be used as a film set are not eligible. 


Eligible expenditures may only be incurred by persons or companies established in the Brussels-Capital Region. Companies must have a head office AND operating headquarters in the Brussels-Capital Region. To be eligible, the persons must either be under contract with an eligible company (for at least 2 months for fixed-term contracts) or have an official address in the region for self-employed services. For example, the services of a person residing outside the Region but invoicing via a payroll office located in Brussels are not considered eligible.

As a reminder, the Brussels-Capital Region is made up of 19 municipalities. Individuals and companies established in the 6 municipalities with facilities in the Brussels surrounding area, such as Drogenbos, Kraainem, Linkebeek, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Wemmel and Wezembeek-Oppem, are located in the Flemish Region and are therefore not eligible.

A non-exhaustive list of eligible expenditures and additional information is available in point 7 of our rules.

To check the eligibility of a person or company, you can refer to the directory on the website; eligible listings will include the ‘eligible’ tag.
