The 2 winning projects have been announced 

First CinEuro Prize winners unveiled at ARTE ceremony 

At the CinEuro Prize ceremony, held at ARTE on June 28, 2023, the CinEuro Prize was awarded to the winners in the Fiction and Documentary categories, following a rigorous selection process. 

Supported by the Région Grand Est, the Film Fund Luxembourg, the Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, the Saarland Medien GmbH, the Ministerium für Familie, Frauen, Kultur und Integration Rheinland-Pfalz, Wallimage,, Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens, the CinEuro Prize rewards projects in development for films and series dealing with the partner territories. 

Out of 36 entries submitted for this first edition of the CinEuro Prize, eight finalist projects were presented during the final pitch session at the Forum Alentours - Rendez-vous de la coproduction rhénane. Two of them stood out and convinced the international jury of film professionals. 

In the Fiction category, the winning project for the CinEuro Prize is : 

À main levée – Fiction 

Produced by Guillaume Malandrin of ALTITUDE100 Production (Brussels) and Emmanuelle Latourrette of Offshore Production. 

Hélène works for the European Parliament, fighting to change Europe and save the climate. Her brother Nicolas has continued the intensive agriculture of his family's farm, in the face of European regulations and the economic crisis. From the marble of Parliament to the dirt of the field, sister and brother will have to find a way to rebuild their family history. 

In the Documentary category, the winner of the CinEuro Prize is : 

Le dernier soin - Documentary film 

Produced by Guilhem Olive of La Vingt-cinquième Heure. Directed by Nicolas Gayraud. 

Brussels, winter 2023, Doctor Yves de Locht has been practicing euthanasia for over 15 years. At 77, torn between his conviction that he is doing the right thing and his recurring doubts, he is about to perform the last euthanasia of his career. 


The two winning projects will receive a cash prize of €30,000 in the Fiction category and €15,000 in the Documentary category.